Research of the Efficiency of a Secondary Catalyst for Nitrous Oxide Emission Reduction at a Nitric Acid Plant
Maya Stefanova, Rozalina Chuturkova
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Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection, Technical University Varna,
Studentska 1, 9010 Varna, Bulgaria
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2014;23(5):1875-1880
Installing a secondary decomposing catalyst is an effective method for nitrous oxide emission reduction at a nitric acid production facility. Before the installation of a decomposing catalyst at a nitric acid plant in Devnya, Bulgaria, the N2O concentration in the tail gas was 1,754 mg/Nm3 while after the installation the N2O concentration was 212 mg/Nm3, which is almost 8.3 times lower. For the entire monitoring period a total N2O emission reduction of 7,021 Mg was achieved. Research of the catalyst’s behavior during the production campaign has been done, proving that the achieved reduction level depends on the catalyst’s functional activity and the technological process conditions. Planning the duration of the decomposing catalyst’s efficient operation throughout N2O monitoring data analysis provides effective emission reduction.
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