Study of Water Quality Status of Dendam Tak Sudah Lake in Bengkulu City, Indonesia: Using CCME Index
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Natural Resources and Environmental Management Study Program, Graduate School of IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia
Public Health Study Program, STIKES Tri Mandiri Sakti Bengkulu, Bengkulu, Indonesia
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia
Department of Aquatic Resources Management, IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia
Department of Agro-Industrial Technology, IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia
Staff of Environment Service of Bengkulu City, Bengkulu Province, Indonesia
Staff of Forestry and Environment Service of Bengkulu Province, Indonesia
Submission date: 2022-09-09
Final revision date: 2022-11-10
Acceptance date: 2022-11-15
Online publication date: 2023-02-09
Publication date: 2023-03-14
Corresponding author
Idham Khalik   

Natural Resources and Environmental Management Study Program, IPB University, Indonesia
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2023;32(2):1633-1643
Dendam Tak Sudah Lake (DDTS), located in Bengkulu City, is the largest lake that has a vital role in the hydrological system of the area. Along with economic and regional development, this lake faces threats, especially the decline in water quality. This study aimed to determine lake water parameter characteristics and its quality status. The study used the lake water dataset monitoring obtained from the Environmental Service of Bengkulu City, which measured four observation points from May 2017 to March 2019. There were 17 parameters observed in this study and compared with Class I of lake water quality standards based on Government of Indonesia Regulation Number 22 Year 2021. The lake water quality status was analyzed using the water quality index of CCME. The analysis results show that the lake water quality index ranges between 44.64-56.72, so the status of lake water is included in the poor and marginal categories. Furthermore, the parameters that still meet the lake water quality standards are: temperature, TDS, TSS, pH, Fe, Sulfate, Mn, Cu, DO, Oil and greases, and detergent. In contrast, the remaining 6 parameters were detected to exceed the lake water quality standard: Zn, BOD, COD, Phosphate, total coliform, and fecal coliform.
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