Systemic Study of Aerosol Loading and Retention over Praia-Cape Verde: Satellite and Ground Observation Analysis
Moses Eterigho Emetere1, Marvel L. Akinyemi1, Modupe Ojewumi2
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1Department of Physics, Covenant University Canaan land, P.M.B 1023, Ota, Nigeria
2Department of Chemical Engineering, Covenant University Canaan land, Ota, Nigeria
Submission date: 2017-03-03
Acceptance date: 2017-04-03
Online publication date: 2017-11-10
Publication date: 2018-01-02
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2018;27(1):71-78
The situation in Praia may be critical at the moment because of its current aerosol loading and retention. In this study we obtained 14-year (2000-13) data set from satellite and ground observation from a multi-angle imaging spectro-radiometer (MISR) and an aerosol robotic network (AERONET). The analytic and statistical techniques were used to investigate the aerosol loading and retention over Praia-Cape Verde. The average annual aerosol retention over the study area increased by 18%. The highest aerosol retention rate of 39% was recorded in 2010. The aerosol loading was found to be higher between December to February. Since the ventilation over Praia is low, aerosol loading impact on the health and welfare of life forms may be threatened. The study also suggested other sectors of the economy that can be affected by the increased aerosol loading over Praia.
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