Co-occurrence of Two Stoneworts of Reverse Ecological Spectra in the Same Lake Ecosystem. Habitat requirements of Chara delicatula Agardh and Chara globularis Thuillier in the Context of Bioindication
M. Pełechaty 1*, A. Pukacz 2, A. Pełechata 3
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Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań; Europa-Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder)
1 Department of Hydrobiology AMU, Marcelińska Str. 4, 60-801 Poznań, Poland
2 Collegium Polonicum AMU-EUV, Kościuszki Str. 1, 69-100 Słubice, Poland
3 Department of Hydrobiology AMU, Marcelińska Str. 4, 60-801 Poznań, Poland; AMU– EUV, Collegium Polonicum, Kościuszki Str. 1, 69-100 Słubice, Poland
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2004;13(5):551-556
Regarding their distribution in lakes, Chara delicatula and Chara globularis are considered species of different or even opposite ecological requirements. C. delicatula is usually reported from oligotrophic lakes, but C. globularis from more fertile ones. Within Poland, both species rarely build extensive stands in the same ecosystem. The present study was carried out in a stratified, mid-forest lake in midwestern Poland where C. delicatula had not been found earlier. Based on the physical-chemical properties and analyses of phytoplankton, a transitional, meso-eutrophic status of the lake was stated. In the group of 15 more frequent macrophyte species, C. delicatula and C. globularis were among plants predominating the lake’s macrovegetation. Both stoneworts built separate patches as well as contributed to other macrophyte assemblages. Growing under the same light and trophic conditions, the species revealed differences in ecological optima in relation to the depth of occurrence and bottom slope. The results are discussed in the context of the species identity: are C. delicatula and C. globularis separate species or forms within the same taxon?
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