Persistent Organochlorine Pesticide, Lead, Cadmium, Nitrate (V) and Nitrate (III) in Polish Milk and Dairy Products.
M. Radzymińska1, S. S. Smoczyński1, M. Kopeć2
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1Chair of Commodities and Food Analysis, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Pl. Cieszyński 1, 10-957 Olsztyn Poland
2Chair of Dairy Science and Quality Managment University of and Mazury in Olsztyn ul. Oczapowskiego 7, 10-719 Olsztyn Poland
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2008;17(1):95-100
This study was aimed at determining the effect of the region of origin of dairy products and their type on the concentration of extrinsic chemical compounds (lead, cadmium, sum of DDT, γ HCH, total PCB, nitrates (V) and nitrates III). The experimental material included samples of milk, cream, fresh white cheese and butter originating from the central, western and southeastern regions of Poland. Statistically significant differences (at a level of p<0.05) were found in concentrations of γ HCH,lead and cadmium between products originating from particular regions examined. In analyzing the type of a dairy product, significantly higher contents of Σ DDT were noted in milk (average 0.056 mg·kg-1of fat). In turn, a significantly higher level of PCB was determined in fresh white cheese (average 0.047 mg·kg-1 of fat). Butter was found to contain the lowest level of cadmium (mean: 0.001, range < 0.01-0.003 mg·kg-1) and lead (mean: 0.08, range: 0.05-0.012 mg·kg-1), as compared to the other products. The mean contents of the compounds analyzed in the study were lower than those stipulated as permissible in Poland.
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