The Coupling Coordination Relationship between Green Low-Carbon Agriculture and Socio-Economic Systems: Based on the Empirical Analysis of 31 Provinces in China
Wen Li 1
Ke Yi 1
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Tianjin Agricultural University School of Economics and Management, China
Submission date: 2024-01-30
Final revision date: 2024-03-08
Acceptance date: 2024-03-24
Online publication date: 2024-10-02
Publication date: 2025-01-09
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Yuzhen Zeng   

Tianjin Agricultural University School of Economics and Management, China
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2025;34(2):1641-1652
This study employs a coupling coordination model to measure the coupling coordination of green low-carbon agriculture and socio-economic development in 31 provinces in China from 2003 to 2021. Additionally, it explores the regional differences in the driving factors of coupling coordination between green low-carbon agriculture and socio-economic development. The findings are as follows:(1) The coupling degree between green low-carbon agriculture and socio-economic development undergoes stages of “antagonism-maturing-high-level coupling,” while the coupling coordination experiences stages of “moderate imbalance-mild imbalance-approaching imbalance,” indicating the need for further improvement in coordination. (2) The spatial pattern of the coupling development pattern of high-lowhigh. (3) During the process of coupling coordination between green low-carbon agriculture and socioeconomic development, green coverage rate and per capita GDP have a positive impact at the national level. However, the influence of agricultural carbon emission intensity, effective irrigated land ratio, fertilizer application intensity, pesticide application intensity, and plastic film application intensity on coupling coordination varies depending on the characteristics of the local agricultural industry structure.
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