Validation of Biodegradable Waste Composting Process Based on the Inactivation of Salmonella senftenberg W775.
B. Szala, Z. Paluszak
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Department of Microbiology, University of Technology and Life Sciences, Bernardyńska 6/8, 85-029 Bydgoszcz, Poland
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2008;17(1):79-85
Due to frequent occurrence of pathogenic organisms in organic wastes, there is a need for a microbiological evaluation of the utilization process in the case of using them for agricultural purposes. The effectiveness of organic waste composting process using Kneer container technology was evaluated on the basis of Salmonella senftenberg W775 inactivation. The study was conducted during the spring, summer and autumn, placing specially prepared carriers in three layers of the composted biomass. In the top and middle layers the total elimination of the Salmonella rods was obtained. The inactivation rate of the bacteria in the bottom layer was slower.
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